SP0502AAHT - SP05xAA シリーズ

シリーズ: SP05xAA
お問い合わせ: Contact Littelfuse Support

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This product is obsolete, please contact electronic technical support for functional design replacements. This family of rail clamp or "diode steering" arrays is designed for very low capacitance ESD protection and is offered in small surface mount packages. The multi-channel devices are used to help protect high-speed sensitive digital or analog input circuits on data, signal, or control lines with unipolar voltage levels up to 5 VDC. The state-of-the-art structure is designed to suppress ESD and other transient over-voltage events to meet the International Electrotechnical Compatibility (IEC) transient immunity standards IEC 61000-4-2 for Electrostatic Discharge Requirements. The monolithic silicon devices are comprised of specially designed low capacitance structures for transient voltage suppression (TVS).これらの構造のサイズと形状は、トランジェント保護に合わせて調整されています。キャパシタンスとクランプ電圧が低いため、高速信号ラインの保護に最適です。

pdficon TVS Diode Array SPA SP05xAA Datasheet

This family of rail clamp or “diode steering” arrays is designed for very low capacitance ESD protection and is offered in small surface mount packages.
