24213-BP - Continuous-Duty SPST Series

シリーズ: Continuous-Duty SPST
お問い合わせ: Contact Littelfuse Support

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The 12 V 200 A Continuous-Duty SPST Series Insulated Solenoid Relay (24213-BP) is designed with a plated steel housing, single-pole, single-throw (SPST) circuitry, and normally open contacts. This model features a 12 V coil and a coil impedance of 17.5 ohms.

This insulated solenoid features studs that are electrically isolated from the housing. The heavy-duty, durable contacts and the high contact force developed by the solenoid allow this relay to handle high current loads.



  • 200 A continuous current rating
  • 12 V coil and a coil impedance of 17.5 ohms
  • Insulated coil design electrically isolates the studs from the housing
  • SPST circuitry and normally open contacts
  • Two large 5/16"-24 copper power studs and two small #10-32 steel coil studs (control circuit) are heavy and durable
  • Flat bracket
  • Included hex nuts and lock washers are bagged
  • Blister packaging enables easy retail display
Property (Mouseover for details) Value
Current Rating (Continuous) in Amps 200
Circuitry SPST
Normal Position Normally Open
Contact Material Silver
Housing Plated Steel