RM 2000 シリーズ - Remote Monitoring

シリーズ: RM 2000
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The RM2000 is a motor-monitoring device to be used in conjunction with the 777 family of products (excluding the P1 Series), 77C family of products and the Model 601 voltage monitors, via Modbus protocol with a communications module. The RM-2000/777 motor management system combines unsurpassed electronic motor protection and critical, user-friendly, motor monitoring.
The RM2000 has membrane keypad controls which allow both monitoring and control of a 777 relay through an RS-485 network using Modbus RTU protocol. A second communication port allows monitoring and control of up to 99 RM-2000 devices from a PLC, DCS, or SCADA system or a PC with Solutions software installed. The RM2000 will act as a repeater for its motor protector when accessed from the host computer or PLC. In addition to the monitoring functions, the RM2000 can be used to reset a tripped relay.
The RM2000 is easily mounted remotely and improves safety for service and operations personnel by allowing them to control and monitor the device without opening the electrical cabinet. Using the RM2000 is a simple, cost-effective method for aiding compliance with arc flash safety regulations. The enclosure and keypad assembly is water and ultraviolet light resistant.


Catalog #Input
Voltage (V)
Termination TypeMounting MethodDimensionsWeight (lbs/g)AddressBaud Rate (Bps)Communications InterfaceCommunications ProtocolCommunications RangeHumidityInput AC Line Frequency (Hz)Input Tolerance (%)LifeMaximum Input PowerStockSamplesCompare
電圧 (V)
端子タイプ取付け方式寸法重量 (ポンド / g)ご住所Baud Rate (Bps)通信インターフェースCommunications ProtocolCommunications Range湿度Input AC Line Frequency (Hz)Input Tolerance (%)LifeMaximum Input Power在庫サンプル比較する
RM2000 115 Vac3 in.-lbs.Surface mountable on backplane using 4 screws6.4 H x 6.1 W x 1.1 D in. (162.6 x 154.9 x 27.9 mm)0 KgA001 - A099300 - 28800RS-485Modbus RTU50 ft; 4000 ft with separate isolated power supplyUp to 85% non-condensing50 / 60±10%3確認 Order
RM2000-CBM+ 115VAC3 in.-lbs.Surface mountable using 4 screws6.40 in H x 6.10 in W x 1.10 in D (162.6 x 154.9 x 27.9 mm)1.2 lbs. (19.2 oz. 544.31 g)A001 - A099300 - 28800RS-485Modbus RTU50 ft 4000 ft with separate isolated power supplyUp to 85% non-condensing±10%Mechanical: 100 000 actuations3W
RM2000-RTDW 115VAC3 in.-lbs.Surface mountable using 4 screws6.40 in H x 6.10 in W x 1.10 in D (162.6 x 154.9 x 27.9 mm)1.2 lbs. (19.2 oz. 544.31 g)A001 - A099300 - 28800RS-485Modbus RTU50 ft 4000 ft with separate isolated power supplyUp to 85% non-condensing±10%Mechanical: 100 000 actuations